Hope County, Montana, USA 17 years after a nuclear war. An unusual post-apocalyptic shooter in the continuation of the Far Cry 5 series. The plot has changed and the game even included a new combat system similar to the was in The Division, the old problems remained and migrated to the new series of the game.

This mod does not change the plot of the game, but adds new features and functions to it. Adds new missions, gives you the opportunity to manage time and change the atmosphere. Fixes some bugs, And much, much more... The mod is constantly evolving. Here is a list of the main options (packages) of the mod, also, you don't have to run them all, just select what you want.


How to install the mod look here.


• Defend Outpost - new mini-mission at outposts
• Remove startup videos and epilepsy warnings
• Time Scale Changer (time is stopped, time transfer by one hour etc.)
• NPC spawner (workaround for hiring a NPC)
• Changes the Highwaymen music
• Disable DOF (depth of field) e.g. on weapons)
• Flashlight toggle. Use the flashlight whenever you want
• Unlocked packs (weapons, outfits, etc...)
• The Highwaymen music at outposts also after an outpost is liberated
• Radio will play also after you leave a car (optionally)
• Unlocked for visiting The Inquisitor's Grave
• Random NPC Weapons
• Removes Prosperity level requirement from Workbench
• Unlocks Eden's Perk, and you won’t have to need to complete the "Joseph's Secret" mission,
It's also workaround for Co-Op, because second player don't receive Eden's Perks
• Removing cyan filter, fog from Deadzones, New Eden compound, prison area (optional)
• Restore New Eden, Tree of Life and show up Mickey's Note after beating the campaign
• Change clouds, color remaps...
• and lot lot lot more...
• There are curenntly no known issues :)
ArmanIII (discovery, data mods, magic)
AOY (big help with mod stuff, some packages, his work is credited in each package, Hebrew language of Mod Installer, Resistance mod page design)
RtroActiv (tools, first program for packing - without him the mod would never have come into being)
The Silver (many packages in the mod, his work is credited in each package)
MadMaxLis (icons for store items, some packages, her work is credited in each package)
mlleemiles (some packages, his work is credited in each package)
legendhavoc175 (some packages, his work is credited in each package)
wongyuhua (some packages, his work is credited in each package)
ceano (some packages, his work is credited in each package)
VGoth (some packages, his work is credited in each package, Russian language of Mod Installer, description of the mod on its website)
Schrotflinte12 (some packages, his work is credited in each package, German language of Mod Installer and new strings in the game)
xBaebsae (some packages, her work is credited in each package)
AJ (some packages, his work is credited in each package)
Z_ (some packages, her work is credited in each package)
Ganic (some packages, his work is credited in each package)
Nick0Taylor (special ammo damage in the Weapon Editor)
cowlick035 (found where are defined weapon sight params)
FouN (icons for weapons)
Steve64b (Dutch language of Mod Installer)
OWGKID (Norwegian language of Mod Installer)
rengareng, SunBeam, Norway1999, Gibbed, Ekey, mistemitsmit, vbiguine, Adlene.


You can install packages of other authors hosted on Nexus Mods with a link to Scavenger-Mod in Description. You can even try to become a developer and author of packages yourself. Using development tools and documentation. Developers live and communicate on Discord. If you want to help develop the mod (searching in game-files and testing changes in the game, translation of the Mod-Installer into your native language), you can. You'll be listed in the credits.

Far Cry Series Modding (FCMC©) Community - Official Discord Server: